Toptal Announces Women’s Scholarship Winners from the Americas and Europe


2019年6月24日,纽约 Toptal, 一个由世界顶尖商业人才组成的精英网络, 设计, 以及使公司能够扩大团队规模的技术, 对需求, announced today the recipients of the Toptal 2018-2019 Scholarship for Women for the Americas and Europe regions. 获胜者是Anisah Alyahya, 博士(欧洲), 谁在推动医疗数据研究领域的创新, 和凯伦L. Pesse (Americas), who is developing a technology tool for direct refugee donations.

Toptal Scholarships for Women aim to empower the next generation of female 首席执行官s, 创始人, and leaders to achieve their plans for changing the world by providing financial support and mentorship to five women from across the globe. Toptal鼓励各种背景的女性申请, and the program selects recipients based on their capacity to create a widespread positive change in their communities through a critical initiative.

Anisah Alyahya博士:健康研究数据网络映射

欧洲奖学金获得者Anisah Alyahya, PhD of France has developed a solution for network mapping healthcare data for research. 她在伦敦帝国理工学院受训成为一名医学博士, and her experience in infectious diseases in Kenya inspired her to pursue a PhD in microbiology at Yale. Anisah then joined the biotech world to work on vaccine discovery and strategy and on tuberculosis — eventually filing a patent for her work. Her search to go beyond the scientific method finally led her to Stanford where, 作为访问学者, she learned the basics of 设计 research and methodology as new tools for framing and solving complex health challenges.

一路走来, Anisah uncovered a critical challenge affecting health researchers everywhere: the difficulty of accessing existing research and data on healthcare and medical topics. Without the ability to freely share and search the available research, 科学家和医疗专业人员仍然是有限和孤立的, 是什么阻碍了微观和宏观层面的进步. 结果是, Anisah launched a data science startup to develop a new tool and methodology for network analysis of data, with the aim of uncovering insightful stories for informing healthcare innovation strategy.

在亚尼撒的领导下, this approach can enable healthcare information to flow freely and sets the foundation for research to take a giant leap forward. Network mapping of research can be applied to any field beyond medical, allowing for limitless application of the process to other fields. Toptal is proud to be able to support Anisah as she strives to create a solution that can help researchers around the world. 更多信息可以在Anisah的网站上找到 博客.

凯伦L. Pesse:难民捐赠的技术工具

With the global refugee crisis continuing to escalate, Americas scholarship recipient 凯伦L. Pesse of Brazil has a plan to revolutionize and optimize the systems through which refugees receive donations and aid. 目前, 难民依靠物资和金钱的捐赠, 但是捐助者通常不清楚需要什么, 当, 在哪里. The result is that necessary items might not reach the people who need them, 而大量的捐款却没有被使用.

Building off of her undergraduate degree in Nanotechnology and graduate degree in Engineering, 凯伦计划为1-1捐款创建一个工具. This tool will use blockchain or another decentralized system in order to connect refugees with donors on an individual level. Refugees then would be verified by participating nonprofit organizations, after which they can make requests for specific items related to first aid (medicine, orthopedic braces) or digital health (such as a diabetes measurement device) that are needed. 然后,捐赠者可以直接提供这些物品. Karen’s goal is to remove the middleman – charities distributing goods – and make the aid process faster and more efficient. 一个优化的系统将减少浪费,更加灵活, 最重要的是, 它将是可扩展的,以满足日益增长的需求.

凯伦和她的想法已经被接受了 麻省理工-哈佛医疗创新训练营2019年6月15日至21日. Toptal将奖励凯伦10美元,000 to cover any costs related to the bootcamp and support her creation of this tool. 一旦训练营结束, Toptal will provide her with a year of mentoring with a Toptal expert, 谁能指导她不仅完成和启动这个工具, 但更有效地管理项目和业务战略. More information about Karen’s background and plan is available on her 博客.

“These two remarkable women have launched innovative ideas using technology to solve critical societal problems,塔索·杜瓦尔说, Toptal首席执行官. “We launched our scholarship program several years ago because we have been inspired by impressive, 我们的自由职业者网络中有高技能人才. Toptal wanted to go a step beyond and provide opportunities for future leaders who are doing amazing work and are committed to making a positive impact. 在阿尼萨和凯伦的案例中, they are solving problems that have impeded progress in the inherently disorganized fields of research and refugee aid.”

Toptal chooses its Scholarship for Women recipients via a panel of judges in each region, 包括一名客座评委. 欧洲客座评委是 莎莉屋檐, a chief technology officer and recognized thought leader on blockchain and emerging technologies. 美洲特邀评委是 赵玲肯特, an NBC News national correspondent covering business, technology, and the economy. The judges reviewed hundreds of applicants for each scholarship to determine the recipient.


Toptal之前宣布了今年的奖学金获得者 大洋洲和亚洲地区 以及 非洲,在2018-2019学年共颁发5项奖学金. 每位获胜者将获得10美元,000 and access to a mentor network to help them continue their meaningful work and professional development. 更多信息请访问


Toptal is 一个由世界顶尖商业人才组成的精英网络, 设计, 以及使公司能够扩大团队规模的技术, 对需求. Toptal为数以千计的客户提供服务, 包括许多财富500强公司, delivering expertise and world-class solutions at an unparalleled success rate. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

These two remarkable women have launched innovative ideas using technology to solve critical societal problems. We launched our scholarship program several years ago because we have been inspired by impressive, 我们的自由职业者网络中有高技能人才. Toptal wanted to go a step beyond and provide opportunities for future leaders who are doing amazing work and are committed to making a positive impact. 在阿尼萨和凯伦的案例中, they are solving problems that have impeded progress in the inherently disorganized fields of research and refugee aid.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
